Review-Film FROZEN

Review by: Nurul Isnaini Fadilah
Title                             : Frozen
Produce                       : Jhon Lasseter & Peter Del Vecho
Year                            : 2013
Actor and actress        :  - Kristen Bell, Idina Menzel, Jonathan Groff, Josh Gad, Tom Kane, Santino Fontana, Eva Bella, Livvy Stubenrauch 
Frozen is a cartoon film about on older sister and a younger sister who the sister named Elsa (Idina Menzel) have an ice magic. Her hand and foot disperse ice and its dangerous for many people, the kingdom is frozen hence.           
One day the younger sister named Ana (Kristen Bell) becomes no intentional strucked ice magic on her heart. Her body weak and cold, her hair begin white. Ana just able to be healed by the true love kiss. The ice craftman effort brings Ana to castle. However she don’t get any aid. Prince Hans don’t give aid to Ana. Her body frozen when she save Elsa from attack. Elsa is very sad and cry with embrace Ana. Elsa’s tear falls to Ana’s body. Thus Ana’s relive and make the kingdom normal again.
               This film is very phenomenal and the children like it. This animation design is very good and uniqe to watch. The music story  make audience enjoy it.  With adventure is interesting and challenge make audience consoled and wish watch again. As typical fairy tale films Disney , the film is equipped with light humor and fun songs . Although the story was predictable because it would have a happy ending , the audience also served suspenseful scenes.
               Positive sides, we must love with my sister despite she evil with us.  She love with us, so we don’t understand. Sister is the best friend.



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